A laser-focused private Zoom session (plus follow up for accountability) that combines strategy and mindset to help you bring in the CLIENTS so you can move one step closer to quitting your day job (even if you’ve been spinning your wheels with ZERO clients in sight)

Cut through the noise to clarify your next strategic steps toward bringing in a new client and moving one step closer to quitting your day job.

All it really takes is giving yourself permission to get out of your own head and trust yourself to take meaningful action.

But that isn’t easy when you’re an introverted, private person, who naturally thinks things through to figure out the perfect solution before you take action so you can reduce the risk.

You end up feeling overwhelmed and stuck.

You’re an educated, self-aware, and independent thinker.

You’ve had high expectations and many achievements (even if you don’t give yourself enough credit).

You’ve helped a lot of people over the years and you know that your business has the potential to help even more (plus give you the freedom to leave your day job and work in ways that are much more introvert-friendly so you have energy to enjoy life).

You’re GRATEFUL to have experienced your share of highs.

But so far, this online service business you’re working hard to build is dishing out too many lows. It’s starting to WEAR YOU DOWN.

Right now, you feel a heaviness looming over you:

  • You show up at your laptop ready to take action every day but you’re not sure which item to check off your to-do list next because you feel overwhelmed by too many thoughts and ideas swirling in your mind (and secretly wish someone would just tell you what to do!).
  • You post on social media but struggle to stay consistent with your online visibility because you find it exhausting.
  • You invest your energy into creating helpful free content but you are starting to feel drained because you’re not seeing results for your efforts.
  • You keep trying to find your first (or next) ideal client but wonder if they even exist because you’re not getting any bites (real people who are willing to PAY fairly for your services).
  • You tend to lurk in social media groups or group programs while selectively making an effort to connect with others but you know it’s time to reach out for genuine 1:1 support because you feel alone and have too many moments where you’re considering dumping everything and starting over again (hello shiny objects!).

You know that you can figure this out.
You KNOW that your ideal clients are out there.

I understand your frustration because I’ve been there. Bright. Check. High standards. Check. Work with integrity. Check


AND I had NO idea it would be so hard to build my own business.

I kept plugging along, thinking I was doing all the right things…meanwhile keeping an eye on the job postings “just in case” I had to call it quits and face the reality that I was going to fail at being self-employed.

But I stopped trying to DIY everything, invested in the help I needed, began to get out of my own way, and things began to change… 

Here’s what life can look like, sooner rather than later:

  • You show up feeling more focused, grounded, positive, and in control because all those scattered thoughts spiraling around in your mind have been organized, dots are connected, and you have prioritized your to-do list to focus on what really matters to grow your business.
  • You tap into your courage and put yourself out there in front of more people without feeling over-exposed or overwhelmed because you have the clarity to describe what you do which boosts your confidence.
  • You have more life energy to stay in motion because abundance is flowing back into your business and it has become a source of fuel.
  • You gain momentum in your business because you’ve clarified and simplified to earn your first clients and now you know what works (so you can do more of it, make more money, and leave that day job!).
  • You feel more supported, understood, and at ease because you know that you have people in your corner when you need a lift up while you create this business and freedom you are dreaming of.

Right about now, you’re probably thinking that going from frustrated to taking focused action to bring in your next client after one session seems more like a dream than reality…but it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing scenario.

I’ve experienced the emotional roller coaster of building an online business myself (we all do) and it IS possible to move forward with some strategic guidance and introvert-friendly support.


From Frustrated to Finding Clients

A laser-focused private Zoom session plus follow-up for accountability that combines strategy and mindset to help you get out of your head, cut through the noise, and clarify your next practical steps forward so you can bring in the clients and move one step closer to quitting your day job.

Say goodbye to wanting to retreat until you’ve figured out the perfect answer because your next client is looking for you with credit card in hand!

You’re working hard and doing ‘all the things’ to build your business but it hasn’t quite worked out the way you imagined so you’re wondering why this would make any difference…Just because working with a coach helped me doesn’t mean it will be right for YOU (after all, it is ONE session).

Marla, Wise Introvert

Hi, I’m Marla HB, introvert and formerly exhausted new online business owner who decided to find the solutions to my lack of sales while maintaining my integrity. Like you, I don’t come from a business background (I majored in Cultural Anthropology of all things) but realized over the years that working ‘in the career world’ was not introvert-friendly enough for me.

Nearing 50 and soon to be an empty nester, I declared myself un-employable…so I had to make my business work. The transition was not easy and I have been on the same roller coaster ride that my clients experience. My business is small (that’s the way I like it) and location independent, but I don’t feel the same self-doubt and anguish that I once experienced when I couldn’t figure out how to find clients (and make money).

Today, I build on my experience as a freelance writer, strategic thinker, and problem solver to put my skills and intuition to work helping other women (many introverted and/or empath) build small and manageable businesses to serve their clients online so that they can make a difference while finding their own version of freedom.

My desire is to help you find solutions that suit YOU.

Here’s exactly what you’ll get when you buy a FROM FRUSTRATED TO FINDING CLIENTS package:

  • Pre-coaching questions to summarize key aspects of your online service business and current struggle so we can focus on the main issues right away during our conversation and make the most of our time together
  • One private 60-minute laser coaching/consulting session (via Zoom or Skype) with someone who understands what you’re going through, so we can troubleshoot and strategize how to remove the blocks to your client and money flow.
  • Clear and strategic next steps identified so you know what to prioritize on your to-do list next. 
  • An after-session email summary of the call highlights including next steps and any resources I might have mentioned so you can relax and focus during the call.
  • An email check-in approximately 2 weeks following our coaching call (we will discuss the most beneficial timing for you based on your work style) with an opportunity to ask one follow-up question to gain further clarity on the steps you have been implementing. This is also an opportunity for a bit of a nudge, accountability, and pick me up so you can stay in motion.



These are examples of the topics you might choose to get support with in your session:

  • Getting clear about WHAT you do, WHO you do it for, what you are actually selling, and the value you offer so you can promote your business with more confidence.
  • Fine-tuning your NICHE, market research, and finding your niche language so you can create content that resonates with your ideal client.
  • Ideas for how to FIND and CONNECT with your niche in ways that build on your natural strengths so you can save time and energy.
  • A boost of COURAGE and STRATEGY for getting out in front of people & having personal conversations that don’t feel slimy and manipulative so you can sell with integrity.
  • Troubleshooting and putting a PROCESS in place for special offers like mini-sessions and beta tests so you can start earning testimonials.
  • How to talk/WRITE about your business & message in clear language so your website and social media convert readers into buyers.
  • Putting a muzzle on your INNER CRITIC just long enough to take that next step you’ve been afraid to take so you can build your confidence.
  • Doing any of the above while honouring your natural preferences, energy levels, and safety needs (the introvert-friendly HOW of what you do) so you can create this online business in a way that feels good to you.


It would be an honour to be by your side as you take the next steps to build your online service-based business.

If you’re ready to move FORWARD with a dose of clarity and introvert-friendly support so you can refocus and take your next strategic steps toward earning that first (or next) CLIENT, then take these steps to get started:

  • Click the I’M READY button.
  • Fill out the web form, submit your payment, and choose your preferred call date.
  • Check your inbox for a confirmation email with the link to the Zoom session.
  • Complete and submit your pre-coaching questions.
  • Spend the next month taking focused action that moves your business forward!



Q. I’m on a tight budget since I don’t have a steady flow of clients yet. Is this really worth it?

A. The cost of this package is about as affordable as a mini solo getaway on a very tight budget. I’m all for the solo time to refuel, but the more time you avoid getting your business to work for you, the more time you’ll need away. It’s unsustainable.

Q. It’s only one session. How much can I really accomplish?

A. If you’re like me, you can spend A LOT of time going over the same thoughts again and again until I feel so confused that I start to tighten up and shut down. That’s not the kind of energy that will build your business or attract your clients. You will be amazed at how a different perspective can help you shift gears and energize you. Plus, the two week check in adds an accountability factor that will help you implement what we discussed in the call. So it’s really more than one session and I created it that way because I want to see you get a quick win without having to make a larger investment.

Q. What if I need more support?

A. I created this package for women who prefer working independently, on a budget, and are hesitant to commit to a coaching/consulting relationship on a longer term basis but still want customized help to move forward. However, if, after your session, you find that you are ready for more support, and you want it from me because you felt that we were a great fit, I’m more than happy to discuss a longer and/or more intensive package to fit your needs as your next step. Just ask!

What I really wanted to create is an offer that would feel like the best of both worlds to you as you build your online service business.

You CAN do your own things in your own way…AND…you don’t have to do them alone. 

You CAN build a business that works, even as an introvert.

If you’re ready to get out of your head and back into motion so you can bring in the clients and take one step closer to leaving your day job, I’m ready to guide and support you. 

Let’s get started!


“Quiet competence, respectful attitude, genuine warmth & care. I was very impressed by how Marla immediately ‘caught’ the important elements of my work, including her sense of my skills and my potentials and where I was getting stuck. I have made some miraculous changes with her support. Finally my ideal clients are starting to find me…I’m just trying to keep up right now. Sending you love and deep appreciation for your role in all of this. Not sure I could have got here without you.”

Lucy, Therapist

“You are a FREAKING ROCKSTAR, Marla, thank you!  This is so much awesome stuff!! You really have gone above and beyond!”

Heather, Bookkeeper

“What I really, really appreciate is that it is not “pure” coaching. For example, on my writing, you give AWESOME and direct feedback instead of hedging with general questions. In our conversations, I feel the same thing, ie you’re not trying to be all ‘coachy’ meaning that I feel we can have a good (as in super helpful) conversation with concrete outcomes.”

Isabeau, Strengths Coach

“I appreciate the re-direct in terms of how I spend my time right now. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!”

Meredith, Health Educator

“Coach Marla took this introvert out of her shell. Her gentle guiding and calm manner helped remove the fog that I surrounded myself in so I could clearly see a path speaking to people. Working with her has increased my self-value and how I value what I do.”

Diana, Writer

“Working with Marla was an eye-opening exercise and it was very useful to get an outsider’s perspective of the message that I would like to put across to potential clients. Marla was very thorough and efficient in her response and consulting assistance to me and gave me ideas on how the words I am using can better impact my niche, packages and overall business direction. She is also kind and understanding with how an introvert’s mind works when it comes to marketing and building a business which means I can be open on how I express myself with her. I am much clearer on what I stand for after working with Marla.”

Kendra, Life Coach